John T. Griffith
Founder & Executive Coach

Not long ago, I was exhausted and stressed almost every day. I had spent a lifetime hiding my authentic self and contorting my weirdness into what I thought was socially appropriate. Like many awkward and tender souls, I looked for relief in all the wrong places - drugs, money, achievements.
I did all the things that were supposed to matter - I was fit, made lots of money, traveled, owned houses, married my soulmate and had a beautiful daughter. But to my frustration, I was still not consistently happy or at peace. Instead, my soul felt worn thin and trapped. Most days I had trouble breathing.
So I did what only the most basic people do in this situation. I moved to Madagascar for several months to "find myself." To my own shock, I somehow succeeded. I meditated for several hours a day and did deep, inner healing work.
It was enough to finally have the courage to fly my freak flag at full mast.
I had always been afraid to share that I am a spiritual weirdo. My brain works in completely different and often painfully awkward and disruptive ways.
I'm obsessed with God and nature. I love people deeply. I’ve finally learned how to connect and serve the divine every day. The result is an unimaginable experience of love, abundance, peace and joy.
In coaching, I feel people's energies. This gives me an intuitive ability to identify and remove unconscious fears, emotional traumas and other obstacles. I combine this with my profound love of people and it creates an environment where people heal themselves and grow exponentially.
​I’ve done this deep healing work for myself. And the result is that I live every day with a stable sense of freedom and bliss. I've never experienced anything like it, and this is why I'm so excited to share it with the world.
I would love to connect and learn your story!
Book some time for us to chat here:
My Background
(almost forgot to impress you with my accidental accomplishments...)
Decorated wartime veteran (I was expelled from high school and my options were limited)
Full scholarship to Northeastern University for Engineering (I noticed that people were impressed by engineers)
MBA Foundation Series at UPenn Wharton (impressed yet?)
Worked at Raytheon and wrote a computer program that saved millions of dollars (I hated it, suffered an identity crisis, and did what only the most “basic” people do in that situation - backpacked around Southeast Asia and India to “find myself”)
With my newfound clarity, I boldly followed my dreams and started a life coaching business (I moved back in to my parents’ attic)
Used my fancy education to become awesome at selling copiers door-to-door (I failed the business and needed the money)
Mysteriously, became a Director and Vice President selling millions of dollars a year in Executive Coaching and Consulting services (I thought my Rolex and Audi would make me cool - no one cared)
Self-sabotaged (having found myself too successful and still unhappy, I managed to get myself fired twice in a row)
Bought some real estate properties (hoping to one day cease plaguing companies with my employment)
Started this business (why not try being my self for a change?)
As you can see, most of my life has been attempting to contort myself into societal norms (My fragile ego: "I swear, I'm NOT incredibly weird (nervous laughter), let me distract you with achievements!")
But it's just the darndest thing... despite my desperate efforts, I kept exploding out of norms with self-orchestrated catastrophes. So I finally decided to stop pretending and completely heal, love and accept every part of myself and my life. I decided to stop caring about what anyone thought and just be myself.
And then something miraculous happened - an immovable sense of peace and joy settled in to each moment of my days.
Now I just want to lead others in being their wildly authentic selves.
Learn more about the Freedom & Bliss program: